Once we hit the ground in Johannesburg, we entered the world with not only a different time zone (6 hours) but a different pace all together....time to learn TIA, "this is Africa." Our first stop was to get in line for immigration. There was a line for tourists, a line for African Nationals, guests of Zambia, and some other category we could not determine. Our line was so long, they let us get in the Zambians line when they were done. However, when new Zambians came, they let them go ahead of us. We were the absolutely last ones out of the room where we expected our luggage to be circling, all by itself... SURPRISE! There was only one piece of luggage left on the side if the carousel. A lone soldier with a blue pompom!
We proceeded to report to the desk manned by four people to report our lost luggage. Only one of the four could help us because the other three were busy waiting idly for something else. We each had to go to the one person helping us and have her fill out a form (we could not fill it out) with our names, address, where we are going, address of that place, home phone, cell phone, place of birth, first born, favorite color, etc. She wrote each of the seventeen forms separately by hand. While our ride waited outside. They assured us that the luggage would be on the next plane, or maybe the one after that, or maybe the one two days from now!
28 and a half hours later....
We arrived at the house of Moses. Our first visit with the kids was amazing. There were about 15 on them all anxious to get sprung out of those cribs. It took about 5 minutes to realize that we could be in a lot of potential trouble without a change of clothes. Cloth diapers only (nuff said). These kids not only soak up your love, but they give it right back and sometimes soak you besides!). Josephine (one of twins) just wrapped herself around my neck…what a feeling. (getting my hugs, Ma D!- can't wait to bring them back to you). One we got them all loose and on the rug, the fun began…funny, but it was not raucous, the adults were a little zombied out and the kids were content (at least most of them) to sit on your lap, and tease you a little. The hours that it took to get here have melted away.
Uh oh...we should have sent you some waterproof aprons!