Saturday, July 19, 2014

Kids in the Hood

Our next stop was a high school (grade 6-9)- Garden Hills- which takes the kids from Garden Presbyterian.  These kids could not be more respectful and polite.  We met the principal and entered the first classroom, which was studying insurance and local and International Trade.  I think I should have stuck around for the lesson on Whole Life and Term Insurance.  

We visited the science teacher and his lab.  He is hoping to get more and more for it as he goes.  Right now he has this demonstration center.  They were studying density - brought back to mind trying to float a coke can and a diet coke can (only one floats...which one and why?).

These children attend half day (like all community school kids).  This is their cafeteria:
At the end of the day, the kids walked out into another world - is it any wonder that they will walk miles to get here and gladly spend the day here?

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